Thursday, September 27, 2007


Well, I'm ignoring the weight for today at least. I got a new job today close to home so I'll be spending only half an hour to get to work instead of an hour an half each way. Even better is that I have to go past the gym so I'm more likely to get there more than just on weekends.

I've been trying to get a new job for the past 12 months and I finally got one. YAY!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Not Happy, Jan!

So much for hoping to lose a double lot this week... I put some of it back on! Not Happy, Jan! I still wish I could find that Yellow Pages ad somewhere online and while I have found hundreds of references to it, I haven't been able to find a clip of it anywhere.

Need to kick my butt back into gear this week and make sure I lose that weight!

Till next week...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Frustration Starts To Set In

Ok, so the holiday to Brisbane was great, really relaxing. I was disciplined and didn't eat too much junk, exercised everyday except Tuesday (I have to have one day off per week). I weighed myself this morning and my weight hasn't changed! I was hoping that the extra sweat from exercising in hotter temperatures would help, not to mention the sweat while just sitting around in the hotter weather, but it still didn't change. ARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!

This week I had better lose a double amount to make up for it. Frustration's already starting to set in. If my weight doesn't budge again this week, I'm going to start going sane and that's worse than a sane person going insane!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Small Moves, Mush, Small Moves

I don't think this is quite what Elly's dad in the movie Contact had in mind, but since it was a reduction in weight, can I really complain? I guess I should kick my own butt - I only lost 0.1kg (or 0.22lbs for those Americans reading my blog). I even went for a 3 hour walk with the dogs on Saturday after my 1 hour gym class in the morning.

Hopefully the extra heat in Brisbane will help me to sweat away some more kilos over the next week. I'm off on a holiday to de-stress and relax, and work out every day to make sure I keep losing the weight. Somehow I don't think I'd be as successful if I stayed home for the whole of my holidays. I'd spend too much time in front of the TV turning into a couch potato.

Well, off for another week. See ya next blog! =)

Monday, September 3, 2007

Not surprised

Well, considering I was avoiding exercise for half the week and ate WAY too much on Sunday, I'm not suprised that my weight hasn't gone down.... I am glad that it hasn't gone up though.

A nice long walk with the dogs last night has shown me that I am getting fitter all the time since I was able to jog more with longer time jogging and shorter recovery in between. I think I've finally figured out how to get the dogs to walk in a straight line too - speed them up lol! Perhaps there is a chance of training them for sledding after all.

So, this week I need to concentrate on not eating so much rubbish and making sure I'm doing my exercise every day. Hopefully the weight will go down again this week.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mush Mush! Time to start moving!

The start of a new phase - my first blog and a new exercise regime that should see me having a 'beach body' in 3 months (according to anyway).

For now, this blog will be purely to track my pursuit of the beach body with updates so that Ry can see how I'm going and to help keep me motivated. It'll be my way to brag about how good I'm going (hopefully) to the people who want to hear about it by reading my blog.

Since I started my new exercise program last week, I've already lost 1.2kgs leaving me with 13.3kgs 'til I reach my goal. 13.3kgs to lose, 12 weeks left to do it in. Here's hoping I can keep it up and reach the goal.